Dan Mahar Associate Broker

• 2023 Columbia County Top "40 Under Forty Business" Award Recipient
• Vice President of the Columbia Greene Board of Realtors (CGBR) , 2022
• “At Home With Diversity” Certified
• Previously Awarded “Most Valuable Rookie” by CGBR
We have some of the best agriculture and natural landscapes in the state and I intend to continue to explore it.
Ask me to see land - I would love to hike it with you!
I'm your local agent with unique knowledge no one else can provide.
Helping you find your first home or downsize is an absolute pleasure!
Do you have an old farmhouse, camp ground, property with unique history?
Possibly something commercial like a multi-family, restaurant or building?
Give me a call to chat. If I'm not the fit I will recommend someone who is!
Copyright © 2023 Dan Mahar's Real Estate Website - All Rights Reserved.
Please be advised that Broker: 1. Does not require Prospective buyer clients to show identification.* 2. Does not require Exclusive buyer broker agreements and does not use same in the normal course of business. 3. Requires Pre-approval for a mortgage loan/ proof of funds at time of offer to purchase.* *Although Broker may not require such information, a Seller of real estate may require this information prior to showing the property and/or as part of any purchase offer.
Email: dan@danmahar.com Phone: 518.965.1465